Fanatical Failure From Denying Historical Facts

Fanatical Failure
Obsessively working against others and depriving others
to satisfy your need to prove that your beliefs equal truth

British historian David Irving has spent much of his life denying the existence of the holocaust. His claims include the following:

Hitler intended only to deport the Jews, not kill them.

Hitler did not know about the extermination of six million Jews.

Because of his claims, David Irving has been “jailed, discredited and bankrupted”.

In 1993, American academic Professor Deborah Lipstadt wrote Denying The Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory. She named Irving as:

“a denier, falsifier and bigot, arguing that he distorted and
manipulated real documents to retell history with his own

In 1996, David Irving filed a libel suit in the United Kingdom against Professor Lipstadt and her publisher, Penguin Books. He claimed that the book caused U.S. publishers to decide against publishing his biography of Joseph Goebbels.

In 2000, the U.K. High Court heard the case. David Irving lost. People around the world paid attention to this trial. Mr. Justice Gray wrote this in summary of his findings:

“Irving has for his own ideological reasons persistently and
deliberately misrepresented and manipulated historical evidence;
that for the same reasons he has portrayed Hitler in an
unwarrantedly favourable light, principally in relation to his attitude
towards and responsibility for the treatment of the Jews; that he is
an active Holocaust denier; that he is anti-Semitic and racist, and
that he associates with right-wing extremists who promote
neo-Nazism… therefore the defence of justification succeeds…
It follows that there must be judgment for the Defendants.

Irving’s fanaticism left him publicly humiliated. His humiliation is now available for all to see in the movie, Denial.

However, people are finding Irving’s “lectures” about the Holocaust online. He has young supporters. Those young supporters face their own fanatical failure in the future.

David Irving obsessively worked against Holocaust survivors
to satisfy his need to prove that his beliefs equal truth.

“Antisemite, Holocaust denier … yet David Irving claims fresh support”
Carole Cadwalladr
The Guardian
January 15, 2017

“David Irving and why the Holocaust went on trial”
The Telegraph
January 6, 2017

Irving v Penguin Books Ltd

“London library makes denying the Holocaust a little harder”
Danica Kirka
The Christian Science Monitor
April 21, 2017

“Still spouting poison As Hollywood makes a movie about his views, how Holocaust denier David Irving continues to pervert history (and make money while he’s at it)
David Jones
The Daily Mail
December 3, 2016


Paula M. Kramer
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All rights reserved.

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