A High School Blunders Into Infamy

Blunder Backfire
Your neglect for other people’s needs and passions
backfires onto you as unforeseen blunders

On July 13, 2024, Thomas Matthew Crooks shot an AR-style rifle at former President Donald Trump during a Trump rally in Pennsylvania. Trump survived. Crooks did not.

Crooks graduated from Bethel Park High School.

Former classmate Jason Kohler described Crooks as:

“always bullied”

“An outcast” targeted for bullying

Kohler found the situation “sad.”

Teachers and administrators could not have been oblivious to the sad situation of continuous bullying, which means they allowed it to happen. They blundered with their failure to stop the bullying.

This blunder means Bethel Park High School now faces historical backfire. It will be named in history books as the high school where would-be Trump assassin Thomas Crooks endured continuous bullying.

Bethel Park High School staff neglected to protect
Thomas Crooks from bullying
backfiring the school into historic infamy.


“Trump Shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks was loner ‘relentlessly bullied in high school: classmate”
Olivia Land
New York Post
July 14, 2024

Eric Cantor’s Blunder Backfired Him Into An Historic Defeat

Blunder Backfire
Your neglect for other people’s needs and passions
backfires onto you as unforeseen blunders

Eric Cantor began serving as the Congressional Representative for Virginia’s 7th district in 2001. He became House Majority Leader in 2011. He seemed headed to succeed John Boehner as Speaker of the House. As time passed, however, Cantor chose “dealmaking” with Republican leaders over “wooing” voters in his district. His staff was “consistently described as aloof”. Community events in his home district became less important than exclusive events all over the country. Cantor ignored the needs and passions of his constituents to focus on his own need and passion for power. Cantor’s blunder made him the first House Majority Leader in history to lose a renomination bid for his position.

Eric Cantor’s neglect for his constituents’ needs and passions
backfired onto him as a historic defeat

“Eric Cantor Falls to Shock Defeat in Primary”
Jack Fitzpatrick and Alex Roarty
National Journal
June 10, 2014

“A Surprising Loss for Unsurprising Reasons”
Ford O’Connell
U.S. News & World Report
June 14, 2014

“Why Cantor chose Bobby Van’s”
Byron Tau
June 11, 2014


Paula M. Kramer
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All rights reserved.

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Making An Announcement Without Permission Backfires Into Forced Silence

Blunder Backfire
Your neglect for other people’s needs and passions
backfires onto you as unforeseen blunders

Gawker.com published a story announcing that Silicon Valley investor Peter Thiel is gay.

Peter Thiel compared Gawker to al Qaeda, describing them as terrorists.

Gawker published a video of Hulk Hogan (real name Terry Bollea) having sex with a friend’s wife. Hogan said he had no knowledge they were being videotaped. He filed a lawsuit against Gawker. Hogan was just one of many people to sue Gawker.

Gawker sells a minority stake to Russian billionaire Viktor Vekselberg of Columbus Nova Technology Partners. Gawker uses part of the money to pay its legal bills.

Hulk Hogan wins his lawsuit against Gawker. The court awards Hogan $115 million plus another $25 million in punitive damages.

Forbes magazine revealed that Peter Thiel paid Hogan’s legal expenses. Peter Thiel also paid legal fees for other lawsuits against Gawker. Thiel considers this philanthropy.

Gawker files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy after a judge denies its request for a stay that would have delayed paying Hulk Hogan. The company began an auction supervised by the court.

Univision Media bought Gawker in the bankruptcy auction.

Univision Media and Gawker Media shutdown Gawker.com, silencing the website that made an announcement about Peter Thiel without his permission.

“Peter Thiel’s War On Gawker: A Timeline”
Matt Drange
Forbes Magazine
June 21, 2016


Paula M. Kramer
© 2015 to the present
All rights reserved.

Posts on this blog alternate with posts at the link below. Posts for both blogs are published on Wednesdays as they are ready to be published. Time between posts could be weeks or months.


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