Creating Straightforward Success For Debtors Sparks Spectacular Success For A Debt Collector

Spectacular Success
The unimagined success other people intentionally create for you
because you intentionally create success for them

Straightforward Success
Having your physical, mental, and emotional needs
in a particular situation satisfied,
setting you up to succeed through your own efforts

Debt collector Bill Bartmann of CFS2 recognized the obvious — people fall into debt because they do not have enough money to pay their bills. (We will exclude shopaholics from this discussion). Instead of hiring people with collection experience, Bartmann hires people with customer service experience. Bartmann treats debtors as people with needs that deserve to be satisfied.

Bartmann’s employees satisfy debtors’ needs for housing, jobs, and more. Because their needs are satisfied, debtors are able to earn money through their own efforts. They then intentionally pay off their debts to CFS2.

Bartmann’s spectacular success is in the percentage of money he is earning compared to other debt collectors. Bartmann’s earnings are 200% higher than his competitors.

Plus, former debtors are able to spend more money at their local businesses, creating serendipitous success for those businesses.

Serendipitous Success
Being in the right place at the right time to just by chance
benefit from someone else’s success

All of this success comes from one man who decided to satisfy the needs of ordinary people.

Bill Bartmann intentionally satisfied
the physical, mental, and emotional needs
of people who could not pay their bills,
setting himself up for spectacular success
when they intentionally paid off their debts.

“CFS2 founder and CEO Bill Bartmann talks about his company and comeback”
Laurie Winslow
Tulsa World
February 13, 2015

“Debt collector thrives with simple strategy: kindness”
Steve Hartman
On The Road
CBS News
October 5, 2013


Paula M. Kramer
© 2015 to the present
All rights reserved.

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