Full-Blown Failure
The unforeseen failure other people intentionally create for you
because you intentionally create failure for them
Zbigniew Filo, a resident of Poland and 24 years old at the time, owned a car but not a driver’s license. Filo was neither a good driver nor a considerate driver. His “hair-raising driving” made his neighbors both scared and angry. Because Filo intentionally created failure for his neighbors, his neighbors intentionally created failure for Filo.
Under cover of darkness, the neighbors parked Filo’s car in a willow tree. When Filo discovered what his neighbors had done, he did what any driver would do — he called the police. After inspecting the crime scene and gathering evidence the police told Filo to “remove it from the tree”. Locals “maintained a code of silence” to protect each other while enjoying their revenge. The only information leak was about a crane someone borrowed during the night.
Filo’s response? “I get the message, but I think it was a bit harsh.”
Paula M. Kramer
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