Standout Success For 19 Year Old Joey Prusak

Spotlighting Standout Success
Other people responding positively to you
because you created a success they value

In September 2013, Joey Prusak was a 19 year old store manager of a suburban Minneapolis Dairy Queen. One of his regulars was a visually impaired man. That day, the visually impaired man dropped a $20 bill without realizing it. Another customer picked up the money, looked at the man who dropped it, then put the money in her own purse.

When the woman reached the window, Prusak asked her to return the other customer’s money to him. She refused. Prusak asked again. The customer refused again. Finally Prusak said, “Please return the $20 or get out of the store, because I’m not going to serve someone as disrespectful as you.” The woman “stormed out”. Prusak served the other customers in line, then went over to the visually impaired man and gave him $20 of his own money.

Another customer who saw the entire event sent an email to Dairy Queen. Owner Dave Pettit received the email. He posted it at Prusak’s store. A fellow employee posted a picture of the email to Facebook. Billionaire Warren Buffet called Prusak to thank him “for being a role model for all the other employees and people in general.” Buffet’s company owns Dairy Queen. He invited Prusak to the 2014 Berkshire Hathaway shareholders meeting in Omaha, Nebraska.

Queen Latifah invited Prusak to be a guest on the “The Queen Latifah Show”. Asked what he likes to do in his spare time, Prusak talked about a passion for NASCAR and said he competes in local Twin Cities races. Latifah had discovered Prusak’s passion ahead of time and played a prerecorded video from NASCAR driver Kevin Harvick. Harvick invited Prusak to be his personal guest at the Daytona 500. Harvick told Prusak he could bring three guests with him. Prusak brought his father as one of his guests. Joey’s father was a local racer who had won a number of regional championships. Prusak learned to love racing from his father.

Other people took time to spotlight Joey’s success as well. A woman gave Prusak an envelope of money for his college fund. When Glenn Beck had Prusak guest on his radio show, he offered to buy Prusak his own franchise. Minnesota Wild, a professional ice hockey team, gave Prusak a suite for himself and 20 guests for a Saturday night game.

People both famous and ordinary spotlighted Joey Prusak
with attention and rewards
because he had created a success they valued.

“Joey Prusak, Dairy Queen Manager In Minnesota, Gets National Attention For Awesome Good Deed”
Huffington Post
September 20, 2013

“Teenage Good Samaritan Joey Prusak rewarded with trip to Daytona 500”
Jordan Bianchi
SB Nation
October 2, 2013

“Warren Buffett Offering Options For MN’s Famous Dairy Queen Manager”
Susan-Elizabeth Littlefield
WCCO Television
September 19, 2013


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Full-Blown Failure Gets Creative: The Car In The Willow Tree

Full-Blown Failure
The unforeseen failure other people intentionally create for you
because you intentionally create failure for them

Zbigniew Filo, a resident of Poland and 24 years old at the time, owned a car but not a driver’s license. Filo was neither a good driver nor a considerate driver. His “hair-raising driving” made his neighbors both scared and angry. Because Filo intentionally created failure for his neighbors, his neighbors intentionally created failure for Filo.

Under cover of darkness, the neighbors parked Filo’s car in a willow tree. When Filo discovered what his neighbors had done, he did what any driver would do — he called the police. After inspecting the crime scene and gathering evidence the police told Filo to “remove it from the tree”. Locals “maintained a code of silence” to protect each other while enjoying their revenge. The only information leak was about a crane someone borrowed during the night.

Filo’s response? “I get the message, but I think it was a bit harsh.”


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Creating Straightforward Success For Debtors Sparks Spectacular Success For A Debt Collector

Spectacular Success
The unimagined success other people intentionally create for you
because you intentionally create success for them

Straightforward Success
Having your physical, mental, and emotional needs
in a particular situation satisfied,
setting you up to succeed through your own efforts

Debt collector Bill Bartmann of CFS2 recognized the obvious — people fall into debt because they do not have enough money to pay their bills. (We will exclude shopaholics from this discussion). Instead of hiring people with collection experience, Bartmann hires people with customer service experience. Bartmann treats debtors as people with needs that deserve to be satisfied.

Bartmann’s employees satisfy debtors’ needs for housing, jobs, and more. Because their needs are satisfied, debtors are able to earn money through their own efforts. They then intentionally pay off their debts to CFS2.

Bartmann’s spectacular success is in the percentage of money he is earning compared to other debt collectors. Bartmann’s earnings are 200% higher than his competitors.

Plus, former debtors are able to spend more money at their local businesses, creating serendipitous success for those businesses.

Serendipitous Success
Being in the right place at the right time to just by chance
benefit from someone else’s success

All of this success comes from one man who decided to satisfy the needs of ordinary people.

Bill Bartmann intentionally satisfied
the physical, mental, and emotional needs
of people who could not pay their bills,
setting himself up for spectacular success
when they intentionally paid off their debts.

“CFS2 founder and CEO Bill Bartmann talks about his company and comeback”
Laurie Winslow
Tulsa World
February 13, 2015

“Debt collector thrives with simple strategy: kindness”
Steve Hartman
On The Road
CBS News
October 5, 2013


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The Foolish Failure Of Medical Professionals Leads To Freaky Failure For Patients: Stomach Ulcers & Stomach Cancer

Foolish Failure
Failing to see opportunities for serendipitous success in people
who are different from you because you do not understand that
your success is connected to their success.

Freaky Failure
Being in the wrong place at the wrong time to just by chance
suffer a loss because of someone else’s failure

Into the mid 1990s, gastroenterologists believed that stress, spicy foods, and too much acid led to ulcers. Treatments included diet, antacids, antidepressants, and surgery.

In 1981, Australian internist Barry Marshall began working with Robin Warren, a pathologist at the Royal Perth Hospital. Warren had discovered that a spiral bacteria named Helicobacter pylori or H. pylori could overrun and infect the gut. He found the bacteria in biopsies of both ulcers and stomach cancer. Marshall traced H. pylori as the cause of both peptic ulcers and stomach cancers. He also discovered that gastritis (inflammation of the inside surface of the stomach) precedes both ulcers and stomach cancer.

When presented with the information, gastroenterologists foolishly decided bacteria could not cause ulcers or stomach cancer. Gastroenterologists ignored Warren and Marshall’s scientific evidence at least in part because the evidence meant losing patients. Patients cured of ulcers with antibiotics would not come back for repeated treatments. Every time Marshall and Warren presented their findings to gastroenterologists, they faced a “campaign of negativism”. Medical journals made getting the word out difficult by rejecting their scientific paper.

Microbiologists – researchers who study infectious diseases – considered the research on H. pylori important. Unfortunately, scientific papers on ulcers and acid drowned out anything microbiologists wrote about H. pylori.

To prove his research, Marshall infected himself with H. pylori, developed gastritis, then cured himself with antibiotics. He published a synthesis of the research in The Medical Journal of Australia in 1985. Gastroenterologists still refused to use antibiotics. Marshall moved to the United States in 1986. Articles in Reader’s Digest, National Enquirer, and other publications about his work brought attention to his research. In the mid 1990s, the National Institute of Health (NIH) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) decided to push the issue. Patients with ulcers and stomach cancer finally got the treatment that had been available for a decade or more.

During that decade, people continued to lose their health and their lives to ulcers and stomach cancer. With each loss of health and life, everyone who rejected Robin Warren and Barry Marshall’s research lost all possibilities for any serendipitous success those patients might have created for them.

Barry Marshall now shows the rejection letters for his scientific paper during lectures.

Gastroenterologists failed to see opportunities for
serendipitous success in stomach ulcer and stomach cancer patients
because they did not understand that
their success was connected to their patients’ success.

Stomach cancer and stomach ulcer patients
were in the wrong place at the wrong time
to just by chance suffer the loss of their lives and health
because of  gastroenterologists’ foolish failures.

“Today the standard of care for an ulcer is treatment with an antibiotic. And stomach cancer—once one of the most common forms of malignancy—is almost gone from the Western world.”

“Getting medicine to accept new thinking”
Joanna Cardwell
Crohn’s MAP Vaccine
February 17, 2015

“The Dr. Who Drank Infectious Broth, Gave Himself an Ulcer, and Solved a Medical Mystery”
Pamela Weintraub
Discover Magazine
March 2010


 Paula M. Kramer
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Ignored Latinos Create Smart Political Success

Smart Success
Seeing opportunities for serendipitous success
in people who are different from you because you understand
that your success is connected to their success

For years, Democratic and Republican politicians foolishly ignored Phoenix area Latino voters, believing they were unlikely to vote.

Daniel Valenzuela was a Phoenix firefighter who decided to run for the city council in the spring of 2011, an off-year election. Valenzuela asked five Latino students at a local college to help him win the council seat by getting residents of the mostly Latino west side registered to vote. Those five students recruited almost another hundred people under the age of 30. Identifying themselves as Team Awesome, this group made 72,000 door to door visits to the Latinos that Democratic and Republican politicians foolishly ignored. They returned to some homes four or five times. Turnout for the election was up 480% from the previous off-year election. The vote count was almost 14,000. Valenzuela beat his Republican opponent by an almost 3 to 2 ratio.

Political rookie Daniel Valenzuela was smart in three ways.

He was smart to focus on registering ignored Latinos to vote.

He was smart to ask Latino college students to help him register other Latinos to vote.

He was smart to pass the power of recruiting for Team Awesome to the Latino college students.

Valenzuela’s smart approach to politics brought success on election day in Phoenix.

Daniel Valenzuela saw an opportunity for serendipitous success
in unregistered Latinos because he understood
that his success as a candidate was connected to their success as voters.

“Why Latino Voters Will Swing The 2012 Election”
Michael Scherer
Time Magazine
March 5, 2012, 22-29


 Paula M. Kramer
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When Nature Causes Freaky Failure, Everyone Loses

Freaky Failure Caused By Nature
Being in the wrong place at the wrong time to just by change
suffer a loss because of natural events

In 1958, the Pacific Ocean port city of Antofagasta, Chile decided to get its water from the Andes Mountains. The water coming down from the mountains was cheaper to use than well water was. In 1970, city officials discovered arsenic in the city’s water supply. It had come from mountain mineral deposits.

The city quickly switched back to using well water. However, citizens of Antofagasta suffered the freaky failure of higher rates of bladder and lung cancer because arsenic existed naturally in the water.

Freaky failure caused by nature affects people by area. Income, profession, racial group, educational level, etc., are no protection when nature creates failure.

Antofagasta, Chile was wrong place to live
from 1958 to the early 1970s
because residents just by chance suffered health losses
from arsenic in the city’s water supply.

“Food at Risk”
Deborah Blum
Discover Magazine
October 2013, pages 38-42.
Antofagasta, Chile is mentioned on page 40.


 Paula M. Kramer
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Jason Lezak’s Straightforward Success Created Serendipitous Record Breaking Success For Michael Phelps

Serendipitous Success
Being in the right place at the right time to just by chance
benefit from someone else’s success

For the 2008 summer Olympics in Beijing, Jason Lezak and Michael Phelps were teammates on the 4×100 freestyle relay swim team. Lezak, the oldest man on the team, swam the anchor leg.

The French relay team included Alain Bernard, who at the time held the world record in the 100-meter freestyle.

When Lezak started his leg, he was a body length behind Bernard. In the last 25 meters (half the length of the pool), Lezak passed Bernard to win, making the fastest 100-meter freestyle split ever. (“A split is the exact second that divides one lap from another. Split time is the amount of time that adds up between two splits.”) Lezak won with his last stroke.

Jason Lezak described his success in that race as “…one of the greatest moments of my career.” Swim writer Braden Keith described Lezak’s 2008 anchor leg as “…one of the top 3 moments in swimming history…” Because of Lezak’s straightforward success, the U.S. team set a world record and Michael Phelps went home with eight gold medals instead of seven. Jason Lezak’s success allowed the more famous Michael Phelps to break the seven gold medal record Mark Spitz had held since the 1972 Olympics in Munich.

Jason Lezak’s fingertip touch after the fastest 100-meter freestyle split ever
put Michael Phelps in the right place at the right time
to serendipitously win an 8th gold medal.

“How to Calculate Split Times in Swimming”
Ryan Hotchkiss

“Jason Lezak Decides To Retire at 37; Will Be Remembered For “The Anchor”
Braden Keith
January 15, 2013

“Teammate’s Fingertip Touch Gives Phelps’s Bid a Big Hand”
The New York Times
August 10, 2008


 Paula M. Kramer
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Too Many Parents Intentionally Create Fundamental Failure For Their Children

Fundamental Failure
Having your physical, mental, and emotional needs
in a particular situation neglected or denied,
setting you up to fail despite your own efforts

When parents do not want their children, they neglect their children’s basic survival needs and actively abuse them. In the United States, so many parents do not want their children that children are dying every single day because their parents kill them. And more American parents kill their breathing children than parents from most other industrialized countries:

The United States has one of the worst records among
industrialized nations – losing on average between
four and seven children every day to child abuse and neglect.”

But the number of deaths by parents is probably low.

“Many researchers and practitioners believe that child fatalities due
to abuse and neglect are still underreported. One report on national
child abuse and neglect deaths in the United States estimates that
approximately 50 percent of deaths reported as “unintentional injury
deaths” are reclassified after further investigation by medical and
forensic experts as deaths due to maltreatment (Every Child Matters
Education Fund, 2012)”

For every child who dies at the hands of their parents, other children survive. We don’t know how many children survive the murder attempts. It is likely far higher than the number of children who die.

Every day, parents set the children they do not want up to fail at living. Children who manage to survive can experience failure as adults because their parents neglected and denied their needs. I have first hand experience with the failure survivors experience, because I survived my mother’s two attempts to kill me.

Parents denying their children’s physical, mental, and emotional needs
set their children up for a wide variety of failures
despite their own efforts

“Child Abuse Statistics & Facts”

“Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities 2017: Statistics and Interventions”
Child Welfare Information Gateway

“Murder Secret Families”
Paula M. Kramer

“Was I A Loser?”
Paula M. Kramer

“When A Child Goes Missing”
September 14, 2007


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Straightforward Sports Success Makes Other Successes More Likely

Straightforward Success
Having your physical, mental, and emotional needs
in a particular situation satisfied,
setting you up to succeed through your own efforts

When parents, coaches, and teachers satisfy the needs of girls to play sports, they set girls up to be more likely to achieve the following successes through their own efforts. Even just swimming at community pools achieves many of these benefits:

Healthy hearts

Strong immune systems

Resilient bones

Healthy weight

Low risk for breast and other cancers

Low chance of becoming diabetic

Emotional health

Ability to leave an abusive man

Avoiding teen pregnancy

Satisfying girls’ physical, mental, and emotional needs
through sports
sets them up to succeed in all kinds of ways
through their own efforts.

Nike created an ad about many of these successes:

“37 Words That Changed Women’s Lives Forever”
Brian Rea
More Magazine
June 2012, pages 70-75

“8 Health Benefits of Swimming, According to Science, (+5 Tips to Help You Swim Better)”
Jen Reviews


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Eric Cantor’s Blunder Backfired Him Into An Historic Defeat

Blunder Backfire
Your neglect for other people’s needs and passions
backfires onto you as unforeseen blunders

Eric Cantor began serving as the Congressional Representative for Virginia’s 7th district in 2001. He became House Majority Leader in 2011. He seemed headed to succeed John Boehner as Speaker of the House. As time passed, however, Cantor chose “dealmaking” with Republican leaders over “wooing” voters in his district. His staff was “consistently described as aloof”. Community events in his home district became less important than exclusive events all over the country. Cantor ignored the needs and passions of his constituents to focus on his own need and passion for power. Cantor’s blunder made him the first House Majority Leader in history to lose a renomination bid for his position.

Eric Cantor’s neglect for his constituents’ needs and passions
backfired onto him as a historic defeat

“Eric Cantor Falls to Shock Defeat in Primary”
Jack Fitzpatrick and Alex Roarty
National Journal
June 10, 2014

“A Surprising Loss for Unsurprising Reasons”
Ford O’Connell
U.S. News & World Report
June 14, 2014

“Why Cantor chose Bobby Van’s”
Byron Tau
June 11, 2014


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